KeryFlex & Onyfix

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KeryFlex Nail Restoration is a painless, in clinic application that restores the appearance of an individual’s natural nails. This system allows for one of our Podiatrists to remodel an individual’s damaged nails affected by fungus, defects and trauma. The composite resin creates a flexible, but durable, non-porous nail that allows the remaining natural nail to grow. The KeryFlex nail is an immediate cosmetic improvement providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents. Speak to one of our lovely Podiatrists today to enquire about this great artificial nail alternative. 

KeryFlex Nail Restoration should not be used on individuals with peripheral vascular disease, arterial insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy, suspicious pigmented lesions on the nail or in-grown toenails. It should be avoided in patients who are pregnant, nursing or known to be sensitive or allergic to any of its ingredients.
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The Onyfix nail correction system is a versatile and innovative product that enables completely painless treatment of almost all forms of involuted and ingrown toenails.
Your foot care expert adapts the system individually and fixes it to your nail, which is then brought back into its natural shape as it grows. The whole process is pain-free, during application and throughout the entire treatment!

  • Pain-free treatment
  • Rapid pain alleviation
  • Corrects the nail through physiological nail growth
  • Effective without exerting force on the nail
  • Non-invasive alternative to ingrown toenail surgery
  • Effectiveness confirmed by studies
  • Particularly suitable for diabetics
  • No restrictions on patient activities (incl. swimming/sauna)
  • Nail polish can still be used

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